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4th of July Parade - It's On!

Hello Neighbors -

I am writing to you not as a board member of JHLA.

For all who were cheated out of a prom, a graduation ceremony, a funeral, a birthday, a wedding, Easter or any other life event because of this stupid virus, I am organizing the 4th of July Parade Independently of the JHLA . (The Board does not object to organizing it independently this year).

It's time to start living again!

I don't want any of our neighborhood kids or our new residents to miss out on this fun, constructive activity and longstanding tradition here at Jayno Heights.

Decorate your bike, your trike, your go cart, your scooter, your dog, your wagon......have a classic car? Here's your chance to show it off! Got a normal car you can decorate? BRING IT! Have a trailer? Make a quick float. Go to the dollar store and get some decorations!

Costume? Wear it! Got nothing? Just show up!

Are there any graduates who will join us? Make a school sign (Class of 2020) and come with us so the neighborhood can congratulate you!

Veterans - We would be honored!

July 4th, 2020

9:45 AM.

Maintain social distancing. Wear a mask if you have concerns. (Parents, need your help here! Anyone who can help with this would be most welcome).

Walkers and Bikes: Line up in Gravel area inside the beach lot

Motor Vehicles: Line up heading south at the south end of Francesca Drive.

July 4th, 2020

10:00 AM

The parade will leave the beach lot East on St. Jude Drive to Shawnee Lane and South on Francesca Drive back to the Beach Lot.

I will have cold waters and ice cream sandwiches for afterward. (Anyone who could help me with setting up a table to safely distribute this would be most welcome).

Too worried about the virus? Please cheer us on from your porch or front yard! We need you too. Cheer for the kids who decorated their bikes!

See past parades here:

Don't Let The Parade Pass You By!

I hope to see you there showing off our red, white and blue!

God Bless, and I wish you the happiest 4th of July!


J. Leaman

For Questions, contact:

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