For interested residents who may want to attend: Attention Waterford residents: RE proposed solid waste processing facility (including construction waste) to be built on Williams Lake Road across from the GM plant. On March 11th, this motion was denied by the Waterford Township board in an open meeting. However, the owners have convinced the Board to put it back on the agenda for this coming Monday, March 25th at 6pm, to reconsider their vote. (This is a portion of the minutes of the March 11th meeting) 5351 Williams Lake Rd, Proposed Waste Processing Facility The following memo was received by Mr. Justin Westlake, DPW Director. The applicant is seeking to build and operate a waste processing facility. This facility would accept household items (not municipal solid waste), and waste/debris from construction, remodeling, and demolition. Said waste would then be sorted into what can and cannot be recycled. All materials would periodically be removed from the site and taken to either a recycling center or landfill. The applicant is also seeking to utilize outdoor storage as an accessory use to store dumpsters on site. A facility of this type is required to get municipal approval from the Board of Trustees. If you have an interest in this issue, you might want to attend this meeting at the Township auditorium (1st floor township offices) on March 25th at 6pm.
Upcoming Township Mtg.— Proposed Dump Site